
Creators of Industrial Buildings

This publication was released to coincide with the multidisciplinary off‑site symposium Creators of Industrial Buildings (report and photos here). It surveyed the general principles behind the emergence of industrial heritage, which are at the same time the basic principles of industrial civilisation—the rationalisation, specialisation, standardisation, and global transfer of experiences. It seeked to grasp industrial structures as complex, individual works, and to study their origin and authorship—the design work of mill architects, factory designers, construction companies and “büros”.


Lukáš Beran – Irena Lehkoživová (eds.), Creators of Industrial Buildings / Tvůrci průmyslových staveb, Praha 2018.

ISBN 978-80-01-06492-4; czech, english; in cooperation with Benjamin Fragner, Jakub Potůček, Petr Vorlík, Jan Zikmund / authors Franziska Bollerey, Axel Föhl, Michael Hanak, Paul Smith, Martin Strakoš, Jindřich Vybíral, Mark Watson / translation by Jana Kinská, Irena Lehkoživová / graphic design by Jan Forejt (Formall) / printed by Formall / acknowledgements Jitka Jakubičková (Zauhlovačka) / published by Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Architecture, Research Centre for Industrial Heritage

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Industrial Topography. Industrial Heritage and the Participation of Academic Community

Methodology maps the fundamental possibilities of participation, how to engage academic community in the process of documentation, evaluation, education and industrial heritage conservation.

Observes the strategies, verified by long experience of the Research Centre for Industrial Heritage CTU, since its establishment in 2002, continuing at the Faculty of Architecture in the framework of the project NAKI since 2011. The methodology clearly summarizes recommendations for the work on thematically focused publications and database systems, the organization of research activities, professional meetings, as well as student workshops, competitions and exhibitions. These recommendations are divided into proven procedural steps, based on the specifics of the topic of industrial heritage  from initial preparations, through main activities and the progress, to the final analysis and the wide range of publications in the most appropriate, understandable and powerful form. The methodology is intended for researchers, educators and enthusiasts interested in industrial heritage who work at universities with a focus on architecture, civil engineering or historic research, but also for architects, State Institute for the Care of Historical Monuments, museums and civic associations.


Petr Vorlík, Industrial Topography. Industrial Heritage and the Participation of Academic Community (certified methodology), Prague 2015.

80 pages; Czech; scientific reviewers Eva Dvořáková, Naděžda Goryczková / proofreading Vlasta Popelová / graphic design Jan Zikmund / print Formall CWS / published by the Research Centre for Industrial Heritage FA CTU Prague

Download link here (pdf, 880 kb)



Winternitz Bros. Mills

The publication Winternitz Bros. Mills has come out at a time when the future of this exceptional industrial heritage site, and the entire grounds of the former Pardubice Mills, is still up in the air.

The mills only recently ceased operations and the current owner is in negotiations to sell the site. The Research Centre for Industrial Heritage (VCPD) at the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague organised a workshop to explore potential re-uses for the mills, with input from students, teachers, and various experts and practicing architects working in the field of industrial heritage and heritage conversion. Simultaneously a civic initiative has emerged called ‘The Town’s Mills’ (Mlýny městu), which, with the current owner’s consent, organised a several-week festival called ‘Pardubice’s Cultural Mills’. The book documents the past and historical development of this industrial monument. It describes the technological facets of the mills’ functions, discusses more recent developments affecting the mills, and examines the capacity of the town and The Town’s Mills civic initiative to influence its future. It also presents several student projects and concepts that explore possible future functions for this site.


Benjamin Fragner – Anna Kašíková – Tomáš Skřivan (edd.), Winternitz Bros. Mills, Prague 2013.

156 pages; Czech, English introduction; ISBN 978-80-01-05343-0 / authors Jakub Bacík, Tomáš Ctibor, Dita Dvořáková, Benjamin Fragner, Petr Herman, Anna Kašíková, Vladimír Lavrík, Pavel Panoch, Pavel Skřivan, Tomáš Skřivan, Kristýna Stará, Daniela Šimková, Olga Škochová Bláhová, Ondřej Teplý, František R. Václavík, Tereza Vokurková, Petr Vorlík, Zdeněk Závodný, Jan Zikmund / contributing editorial work Petr Herman, Kristýna Stará, Daniela Šimková, Vladislava Valchářová, Jan Zikmund / graphic design Tomáš Skřivan / translation Robin Cassling / proofreading Alena Sigmundová, Petr Souček, Kateřina Škodová, Alena Tesková / scientific review Vladimír Hrubý / print Signpek, s. r. o. / published by the Research Centre for Industrial Heritage FA CTU Prague

download (pdf, 14,2 MB)

The Charter for the Industrial Heritage of TICCIH

The Charter for the Industrial Heritage was drawn up by the International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH) and was published in 2003 in the Russian town of Nizhny Tagil. Today it represents a generally applicable and concise reference document for research projects, conservation work, heritage conservation, and the adaptive re-use or conversion of industrial structures and sites.

The basic principles for understanding industrial heritage outlined in the charter are not yet common knowledge. In an effort to promote greater awareness, the Research Centre for Industrial Heritage (VCPD) at the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University organised an internal workshop in spring 2013, during which an updated working translation of the Charter into Czech was prepared on the basis of the version published in the book Industrial Heritage Re-tooled. The TICCIH Guide to Industrial Conservation. The translation is one of the outcomes of the VCPD’s research project ‘Industrial Topography of the Czech Republic – Adaptive Re-use of Industrial Heritage’, which was conducted with the support of the Czech Ministry of Culture’s NAKI (National and Cultural Identity) applied research programme. The workshop on the Industrial Heritage Charter also drew on earlier writings and translations prepared at the Research Centre for Industrial Heritage with the participation of members of the ‘Industrial Topography’ research team (Benjamin Fragner, Vladislava Valchářová, Petr Vorlík, Lukáš Beran, Matúš Dulla, Jan Zikmund, Dita Dvořáková), along with Lenka Popelová, Věra Kučová, Jana Kotalíková, Jiří Merta, Nina Bartošová and Petr Urlich.

The working translation was published as an occasional paper to accompany a conference titled ‘A New Life for Abandoned Buildings – Vestiges of Industry’, which was held in April 2013 in Brno.


The Charter for the Industrial Heritage of TICCIH, Prague 2013.

20 pages; Czech; ISBN 978-80-01-05235-8 / translation by the Research Centre for Industrial Heritage FA CTU Prague / graphic design Jan Zikmund / print Signpek s. r. o. / published by the Research Centre for Industrial Heritage FA CTU Prague

download (pdf, 390 kb)

Prague Railway Stations Un/Used

This publication was released to coincide with a conference and exhibition titled ‘Prague Railway Stations Un/Used’, which was organised in early March 2012 by Galerie Jaroslava Fragnera, the Research Centre for Industrial Heritage (VCPD) of the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University, and a civic initiative called ‘This Doesn’t All Belong to Developers’ (Tady není developerovo o. s).

The book is divided into two parts. The first contains papers by scholars writing about railway stations in Prague from the perspectives of history, architecture, urban studies, industrial heritage, and heritage conservation. The second part presents eighteen student projects with proposals for the adaptive re-use of Žižkov Freight Station in Prague; these projects were developed as part of a workshop organised by the VCPD and Galerie Jaroslava Fragnera in autumn 2011. The publication, exhibition, and conference were all prepared as part of work on the project ‘Industrial Topography of the Czech Republic – The Adaptive Re-Use of Industrial Heritage’ (DF11P01OVV016) supported by the NAKI (National and Cultural Heritage) programme of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.


Benjamin Fragner – Tomáš Skřivan (edd.), Prague Railway Stations Un/Used, Prague 2012.

126 pages; Czech, English introduction; ISBN 978-80-01-05009-5 / authors Jan Aulík, Lukáš Beran, Benjamin Fragner, Michal Hlaváček, Pavel Kalina, Petr Krajči, Martin Krise, Jan Sedlák, Tomáš Šenberger, Ladislav Špaček, Tomáš Skřivan, Michal Zlámaný / contributing editorial work Lukáš Beran, Petr Herman, Matěj Stropnický, Dagmar Tomášová, Vladislava Valchářová, Jan Zikmund  / proofreading Hana Hlušičková / translation Robin Cassling / scientific review Jiří Suchomel / graphic design Tomáš Skřivan / logo Štěpán Malovec / print Kavka print, a. s. / published by the Research Centre for Industrial Heritage FA CTU Prague, supported by the Jaroslav Fragner Gallery, Ministry of Transport and Czech Railways

download (pdf, 13,5 MB).