Vestiges of Industry
Catalogue to the “Vestiges of Industry” exhibition on the Architectural Conversion of Industrial Heritage in the Czech Republic 2000–2005.
The exhibition presents a selection of conversions of industrial heritage sites to new uses in the Czech Republic during the past five years, most of which have already been completed and are particularly illuminating and informative for the public. The exhibition and the exhibition catalogue present examples of newly completed and planned conversions in the Prague neighbourhoods of Holešovice and Karlín, along with the much discussed Gallery Vaňkovka in Brno and alternative uses of industrial sites in Ostrava. The exhibition highlights the varying approaches that architects and investors have applied to converting dozens of industrial sites, many of which were consequently saved from destruction.
The exhibition curators are Benjamin Fragner and Alena Hanzlová. “Vestiges of Industry – The Architecture of Conversion in the Czech Republic 2000–2005”: 6 September–5 October / Karlín Studios, Křižíkova 638, Prague 8-Karlín.
Benjamin Fragner – Alena Hanzlová, Vestiges of Industry. Architectural Conversion of Industrial Heritage in the Czech Republic, Prague 2005.
185 pages; Czech/English; ISBN 80-239-5440-7 / authors Benjamin Fragner, Šimon Caban, Alberto Di Stefano, David R. Chisholm, Ladislav Lábus, Josef Pleskot, Karel Spáčil, Tomáš Šenberger, Martin A. Tomáš, Jana Tichá / contributing editorial work Lukáš Beran, Vladislava Valchářová / proofreading Eva Příhodová / translation Martin Tharp, Jana Tichá / typesetting and grahic design Magda Fišerová / print Astron Print, s. r. o. / published by the Research Centre for Industrial Heritage CTU Prague
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